TOEFL Speaking tips

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8 Responses to “TOEFL Speaking tips”

  1. Mike says:

    thank you for your useful tips!

  2. zhao Jacky says:

    learning english

  3. Jayanth says:

    i have got a mistake printed in my toefl official score report, it was 01 sept, 1991 instead of 10 sept,1991.
    do it makes any difference to me? does colleges issue me I20s with this?
    or ask for any thing….. how to correct this

  4. may says:

    Thank you so much! it is very helpful tips!

  5. dima says:

    It’s nice video! And if you are searching for exercises to practice TOEFL speaking visit voice chat

  6. the oddball says:

    very interesting information. thank you

  7. Steve Ford always seems to have all the right tips when it comes to preparing students for the TOEFL and IELTS exams.

    To add to what everyone is saying here, it is always helpful for those students preparing for the TOEFL exam to remember to get as much exposure to English as they can long before they begin thinking of taking the TOEFL exam. For example, reading newspapers, listening to the radio, talking to native English speakers as often as possible, and even practicing writing summaries of reading and listening passages will help students to build a solid English foundation.

  8. ????? ???? says:

    the videos are great. I think videos are so much better than books in teaching toefl. and these videos are great example of that. thanks a lot

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