Posts Tagged ‘listening’

Free TOEFL Listening example

Saturday, January 19th, 2008

Here’s a sample of the type of question you’ll encounter in the listening section of the TOEFL.Answer the following questions based on the lecture:

1: What is another name for swarmer white ants?
a) Workers
b) Alates
c) Termites
d) Nymphs

2: Why must worker white ants feed all the other white ants?
a) The worker ants have the largest appetites.
b) Soldier white ants do not have time to eat.
c) The worker white ants have special bacteria in their stomach.
d) The king white ant forces the worker white ants to feed him.

3: What can be inferred from the lecture?
a) All white ants should be exterminated, even in the wilderness.
b) White ants are better than carpenter ants.
c) Soldier white ants are more important than queen white ants.
d) White ants are highly organized insects that can be very destructive.

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